How We Can Help You

Therapy For Your Life offers therapy for a variety of issues like stress, burnout, anxiety, relationship and parenting challenges and a host of areas of concern that our clients have questions about. Learn more about how we can help you below.

Our therapeutic approach is rather eclectic depending on the person’s needs and what is most relevant.

One size does NOT fit all. We deal with the person sitting in front of us and their needs. It is not about our agenda.

The most satisfying moment is hearing the gratitude expressed by the person sitting across from us and being witness to their changed life.

So many people come walking through our door lost and distraught.

Admitting that you need help is a huge step in the right direction.

Until you can admit that you can’t cope or can’t solve your issues alone, nothing changes.

A few ways we can help

Family Therapy

Family therapy and counseling are legitimate ways to find satisfaction. It can lead you to your desired destiny by lifting and eliminating the obstacles that block you and your loved ones from living a fulfilling life.

It is not reserved for those who are “crazy” or “not normal”. In fact, family therapy and and counselling can be the best gift you to give yourself or someone you love.

Through family therapy and counseling you can identify your problems and their origin.

Avoid Burnout

Are you wondering if you are depressed, anxious, tired, bored, lazy, weak or inadequate?

Do you need a straight forward burnout definition?

How do you avoid burnout?

Knowing what needs to change and how to make the change(s) happen will help you handle stress. Giving you an assessment and roadmap moving you away from your difficulties is part of Therapy For Your Life.

Handle Stress

Stress is a part of life. There is no escaping it. You can learn to understand and manage your stress or you can fall prey to it. It’s really up to you! You can learn to be on top of your stress and in control or you can find yourself buried under it.

Identifying and understanding stress and how it affects you is one part of Therapy For Your Life.

Tips to relieve stress can also help you to better manage your stress and stress related symptoms.


There are many wonderful, priceless aspects of sharing your life and dreams with someone else. However, we understand that relationships can also be frustrating and difficult.

Reaching an impasse in your relationship or engaging in power struggles is exhausting. Such strain only results in a lose-lose situation.

Advice for relationship problems is one aspect of how Therapy For Your Life may be able to help you!

Burnout – Anxiety – Depression – Seniors – Adolescent Issues & Challenges – Sexuality – LGBQT – Grief & Grieving – Eating Disorders – Parenting – Couples Counselling – Family Therapy