Feeling Like Garbage

relationships therapy Feb 04, 2020

Have you ever wondered why you feel terrible when you are interacting with toxic people? If you are a giving person, kind, generous, thoughtful, you name it – any positive adjective and you are giving your good stuff away to somebody that is toxic you will be left feeling like garbage. When a toxic person takes, consumes and uses the good stuff you are putting out to their advantage, they will undoubtedly return your efforts with their garbage.

Too many rounds of that is going to deplete you of everything positive that you have or at the very least. a lot of what you have that is positive and replace it with garbage. You can put garbage in a garbage can, but when that garbage can is full and it is not being dumped out it really starts to smell and makes the environment toxic. This is the same with toxic people, so please do not do that to others or accept that for yourself.

If you are a giving person you need to make sure that you are getting good information, good feelings and good vibes back. I am not saying to expect that, what I am saying is that if you want to be in the flow and feel good, then you need to align yourself with positive people so that when you give to them and they give back to you in a positive way, the energy expands. A great example of this is putting money in a bank account; at no interest it is the same amount, but with good interest it ends up being more than what you put in your account. The converse is also true, if you put money into a stock, but it happens to be a bad investment, you lose big time.

Be careful and keep this in mind…avoid garbage relationships.

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