Complaining is Draining

draining taking action Apr 07, 2020

Complaining is draining not only for you, but for the people around you. Complaining is passive, it is venting, it does not solve anything, and it makes you feel terrible. Usually, when people are complaining, they often complain about the same things over and over again. If you constantly say things to yourself like “I don’t like this” whatever you are complaining about, it is not going to make you feel good. The same goes for those around you. If you are complaining to your friends, family or colleagues, they are also not going to feel very good. Complaining is not going to win you any kind of fun or popularity, that is for sure.

What you need to do when you find yourself complaining is ask yourself how that event made you feel and what you think about it. You are allowed to have your feelings, you are allowed to have your thoughts. If you notice that you are complaining, you need to ask yourself what you can do about it. If you are not going to do anything about a situation that is bothering you, then you might as well stop complaining because it is not going to change.

However, if you can identify some options or solutions to what you have been complaining about, then that puts you in action. It takes you out of victim mode and it puts you into taking control of your life. Choice is power, choice is control, not over anybody else, but over yourself. So, the next time you hear yourself complaining, ask yourself what you are getting out of that and ask yourself what is in it for you to do something about it.

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